Monday, December 3, 2012

Praying for Grandparents

Thought I'd get a little personal and share some stories from my family... in hopes you can join with us in prayer this week....

Last Thursday (Nov 22), my family in Vancouver was having dinner at a restaurant when my grandfather (lolito) accidentally choked on a piece of food.  My brother attempted the heimlich maneuver, however, my lolito passed out, and 911 was called.  The paramedics arrived in 10 minutes and tried to revive lolito by shocking his chest - he was rushed to emergency with my family by his side.

We called St.Teresa's church in the middle of the night, and a parish representative rushed over to pray with my lolito, and family, in the ER that night. My cousin in Sydney, Australia phoned the church, and I (in Ontario) called emergency in Vancouver to let them know to admit the church representative.... as all my family was by lolito's side.

My lolito has been in the hospital  ICU for just over a week, in a coma. Doctors say his brain is in need of healing, as there has been damage due to lack of oxygen, when he passed out at the restaurant.

My entire family is praying for his recovery today.  Within 1 week, my grandfather has been able to open his eyes (finally) after being asleep for so long, however, he is still unresponsive to those around him, and cannot talk or move any parts of his body... although doctors say his organs and vitals are healthy.

According to the doctors, "Its up to (my lolito) to keep fighting" if he wants to live.

I talked to lolito on the phone from here in Ontario to BC last night (Dec 2).... although he could not respond.

I told him I had been going to church here with my friends, dedicating the service to him-- and we all have been praying for his brain to heal.

I told him our staff at Life 100.3 have included lolito in our prayer requests... that he may get well, God-willing, and that he would remain strong throughout this trying time.

I told him, how being in the hospital, is really strengthening the faith of my family, and drawing us closer together in prayer and petition to God, who we all know through Christ, has the power to heal.

We have been pleased with his progress so far, and although doctors say a "full recovery" is unlikely.... we are continuing to pray for the best- as the likelihood of a "partial recovery" is possible, according to doctors.

Finally..... I told Lolito that I will be home in Vancouver for Christmas 2012.... and I am praying he is conscious for when our family finally gets together for the holidays.

Below is a picture of my lolito and lolita (grandparents) who celebrated over 60 years of marriage last Monday (Nov 26) at the hospital....  this photo was taken last Christmas, arent they cute?

Dear God,

Continuing to believe that you know the best for lolito and for the family. And, that you have a plan.  Your ways our higher than ours. We pray that through Christ's healing hand - lolito's brain would be healed... in your perfect time.  We also lift this entire situation up to you... all fears, all worries... we surrender them to you. We ask that your loving angels surround lolito, keeping him free from pain, and most of all, that your heavenly spirit be with lolito at this time where he is fighting to stay alive.  If this is your will, please assist lolito and revive his consciousness. Thank you for helping him throughout the past week, and making progress in his healing.  We continue to pray for the best, and for the most peaceful outcome- where you will be glorified, above all. In Jesus name, we pray.


Thanks so much for taking the time to pray for my lolito and family.  I appreciate it a lot. :)

May God bless the rest of your day!

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