Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Christian Charities Helping in Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts - How You Can Help

As of Tues, October 30 2012, Post Tropical Storm Sandy is being declared "A Major Disaster". These Christian Groups have stepped in to provide Emergency Services to the millions of residents who were forced to evacuate their homes, and those left stranded by the storm... Click on these links to make a donation and help out those displaced by the hurricane.



And one more, The Canadian Red Cross... Though not specifically a 'Christian' charity, they still provide essential emergency services to those in disaster situations.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do you know what Cyber Bullying looks like?

If you are a parent now, you most likely did not grow up with the same methods of bullying
some children today are facing.

Back then: No internet, No webcam, No chatrooms, No facebook.
Acc. to Canadian Kids Help Phone survey: 33% of kids have talked to someone online theyve never met. 30% have emailed a picture of themselves.

Most kids are afraid to tell their parents about cyber bullying.
Educate yourself on what cyber-bullying looks like-- you'd be VERY surprised.
And talk to your kids about making smart choices online, and how to report/stand up to online bullies.
This is a GREAT informational article/link about Cyber Bullying......


And yes, the author is American, but the concepts are very real, and will be extremely eye opening to you as a parent.

God bless you! Keep your family internet safe! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saying Grace before meals in restaurants

Is your family comfortable with thanking God for your food/blessings even in public settings? :)

These firefighters interviewed on KTRE News say "We were not trying to make a spiritual statement or anything. That's just what we do at the station all the time."

This picture of the praying heroes has since gone viral.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Losing ALL the pictures on your SD card... Aaah!!!

It may have happened once to you... and recently, it happened to me!  Losing ALL the pictures on your SD card from an Error.  It can happen so easily.  You pull the SD Card from your laptop (when you accidentally forget to "safely remove" the drive), and the next thing you know... you double click on the SD Card drive and its empty!!! AAAH!!! No pictures?!!  You put your SD Card in your camera, and it recognizes ZERO photos. Are all your pictures are gone forever? Not necessarily.

This dilemma happened to my SD card this week...  pictures from travels, friends, and great memories. But, none of them were accessible due to the SD card error and my digital camera recognizing no pictures at all.

I frantically googled "what to do when your SD Card doesnt recognize pictures"  and realized there are internet companies that charge $40 or so dollars to retrieve your photos online.  Kind of a scam, when you can do this for free.

I almost gave into the scammers.... until I Youtube'd the same words, and came across this Completely Free, helpful link that allowed me to retrieve 100% of all my pictures back. There were a couple of corrupted photos, however, Id have to say 99% were good.  Videos also were retrieved. Phew!

Here's the youtube instruction link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M67kzSHm90

And the website free helpful software link:  http://www.z-a-recovery.com/

Hope this link helps you out if ever you've faced with this SD card error problem. One tip to keep in mind to prevent this from happening: Always remember to click the "Safely Remove" SD Card button on the lower right hand corner of your screen to prevent the corruption of any of your valuable photos when you remove the SD Card. :)