Monday, September 29, 2014

Proverbs 3:5 - Inspiration for Today!

Some of us may have 'an issue' with surrendering what we want, and focusing our thoughts into what-would-God-want-us-to-do, based on words in the bible. 

For some of us, it seems like Nonsense to put ourselves Second, and Trust God First.

Some of us would much rather trust in what-looks-best-to-the-world, and do things in-our-own-strength-without God... rather than trusting in God to lead the way.

If that's you... Well, from what I understand in this Proverbs 3:5 verse... when  we trust in God with ALL our hearts, and let Him lead the way- our paths in life just get a little more smooth. Believe it or not.

Well, it says so in the bible.

God can straighten a windy road, esp. when times are rough, when we Trust in Him to do so. And he never leaves us in the process.

There are way too many of us in this world who want to make ourselves the Number 1 thing... doing everything without even asking ourselves, would God be pleased with my decisions? ... and I think even us as Christians can fall into that trap at some point in time in our lives, as none of us is perfect.

But, I think the key thing, at the end of the day... is to Constantly give God Your entire Heart and love... because when loving Christ becomes the object of your affections, rather than anything in this world- He can lead you to great places, and to do good, amazing things to make the world a better place.

Isn't that what being a Christian is all about... letting the world know of God's Great Love through our lives and actions? Wasnt that Christ's whole mission?

I think sometimes when we get caught up in just doing-things-in-our own strength, things might seem ok for now... But when one day a storm of life hits, and we knew deep down that what we were doing was not in-line with what God would have wanted us to do, we will fall harder, and it will hurt more.

But when we Trust in The Lord with all our hearts, no matter what endeavors we take on, He will make sure that we are Good in the end. (Just think of how Christ Trusted God, even if he knew he was going to be put to death... but in the end he resurrected. God took care of Him when he was obedient.)

I believe that Trusting in God is one of the most powerful things we can do in our lives.  Even Christ said that the Greatest Commandment is to: "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength". (Matthew 22:38)

And why is it So Great?  Because we can make SUCH a Positive Difference in this world when we do that. That's why.

God can lead us to greater places, where we can have an IMPACT.

If we live for our own selfishness, and don't care about making a difference for God... well, then that's up to you. I am not the judge.  But wouldn't life feel so much more full, knowing that there was a purpose to spread love?

And God's love is the best love- unconditional, everlasting.  So, if we can tap into that- we can share it with others too. :)

 As a recap of this bible verse:  "Trust in The Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your Own Understanding. In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your Paths Straight."

Basically, the more we acknowledge God as a part of our lives, the more he can guide us to accomplish great things. So, there really is a Bonus in trusting God.

God is good, all the time- after all.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Random Acts of Hope

While shopping at the local Christian bookstore, I was inspired to buy a new tool to help in every-average-day ministry.

They were a pack of $2 cards called Faith Builders... they came with 20 bible verses placed on a business card with a pretty picture on it.

I've decided that from here on in, if I come across a person in need (for example, a beggar on the street), or if I meet a new friend, rather than just buying them a coffee or handing out some spare change, I can add a Faith Builder business-card with One Bible Verse on it.

Why?  Because it's simpler than a Bible tract, and can cause a person to wonder about the goodness of God... they can read a bible verse without even being given a bible.... and this could be a "hint" for them to explore their faith further. Enhancing everyday ministry, and not missing a moment to share the word of God.

The bible says "The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword." Hebrews 4:12.

Before handing them out, I'd pray that the cards would fall into the hands of people who need to hear Christ's Inspirational Message that day... you never know whose life can change based on a simple bible verse given to them by a stranger. :)