Monday, December 8, 2014

What are you known for?

Isnt it interesting how people remember you by the one or two things
that you've done that has affected their lives?

For example, if I name dropped Scott Jackson, you'd automatically go,
"That's the owner of the Christian Radio station!"

Or, if I named dropped someone in Hollywood like Angelina Jolie,
you'd think of the actress with 5 or so adopted children from around the world.

Or a famous preacher like Joel Osteen- you'd think, hey-
that's the motivational pastor who always smiles, right?

Whenever I go to Life 100.3 events, I always hear the same thing from
listeners:  "I remember when Maria was driving across Canada to come to Life,
and I listened as she was driving through the different cities".

Or I hear, "Your morning facts (stuff-you-didnt-know) is so interesting!".

Because I hear the same comments over, and over, and over again,
whether I'm at a Barrie, Huntsville, or Newmarket event... 
whether it was 1 year ago, or 3 years later,
I know that those are things are what people associate with my name.

So, what is it for you?  What do people know you for?

And an even deeper question... if we are Christian,
do people know us for being Christ-like?

It says in the bible in Matthew 5:16:
"Let your light shine before others, so that they
may give glory to your Father in Heaven."

So, here's hoping, that we can be more conscious of how we present ourselves to
other people, and to friends and family-
because it's the 1 or 2 things that we do that can stick-in-their-minds...

Plus, you never know what others will remember you for...
until the next time you see them, and they tell you, of course. :)

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