Monday, December 9, 2013

Verses that reflect Nelson Mandela's Life

It says in the Bible in Philippians 4:8...

"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,
and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

This bible quote really reminds us of the Great Example that Nelson
Mandela lived in his life.

Tomorrow (Dec 10 2013) is the Public Memorial for late former South African
President who fought racism and apartheid.

He was imprisoned for fighting for people's freedoms, and even
after leaving jail after 27 years- he still chose to work alongside
those that imprisoned him, in the interest of pursuing Peace in South Africa.

Wow... you can tell you REALLY want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world,
when you choose to not live with bitterness in your heart,
and choose to work alongside your enemies... to pursue the right thing.

Jesus in Matthew 5:43-48 in the bible says...
"I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

I cannot tell you if in fact Nelson Mandela did pray for
those who persecuted him for 27 years- but what WE DO KNOW
is he had the strength to work alongside them,
to pursue Peace and Equality.

That's got to say something about his strong spirit.

As even if it was probably a natural to hold
bitterness in his heart, Mandela rose above resentment, and chose Peace.

How admirable.

Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. You showed us all a good example
of how to fight for what is right-- and choose to work alongside
those who persecute us, rather than hold bitterness and resentment.

What a great example from one of today's modern day heroes.

Here's Canada's message of condolences to Nelson Mandela's family...

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