Monday, September 16, 2013

Words on Friendship from the Audio A Concert

Maple Noise 2013 was in Barrie on Friday night (Sept 13)- and Audio Adrenaline headlined the concert at Timothy Christian. I had seen the band once before in concert in the past, but not with their newest lead singer Kevin Max (formerly of DC talk). Adding him to the mix really makes the band pop, and gives the group a totally new sound that I really, really enjoyed! Glad to have seen them put on a great show!

One thing that makes going to Christian concerts so much different than going to a secular concert, is that almost always: there's an inspirational message thrown into the mix. Kind of like hearing a sermon at church.

On Friday, lead singer Kevin Max shared his testimony of how after his DC Talk days, he decided to pursue a career on his own, and headed to LA. He says he moved away from all friends and family, pretty much in isolation, as he tried to build his career as a mainstream artist.  But in the process, he admitted that he fell into the "darkest, deepest hole" he had ever lived through.

Through his story, he reminded all of us that man indeed is not an island. God built us for fellowship with others, and so we really need to take the time cherish the people God puts into our lives- friends and family and church community.  And spend quality moments with them. As even Jesus had a close group of 12 friends (disciples) whom he confided in.

And of course, Audio A reminds us that God is always there. And it's when we humble ourselves and remember to acknowledge God's presence in our lives, and cry out to him for help- knowing that we cant do it without him - that God is able to direct our paths. :)

A really great message on Friday night.

Reminds us of the bible verse:

Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Here's hoping the message gained from Audio A's show at Maple Noise 2013 can continue to inspire all of us to cherish and take t-i-m-e to nurture the uplifting friendships God has placed in our lives, and to surround ourselves with people who will lift us up- and whom we can inspire as well. :)

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