Monday, September 12, 2011

Maria's first blog!!! :) Hooray!!! From Wasaga Beach

Hey, it's Maria!!! Ok, I will admit Im not the most tech savvy person.... so.... I thought I would write my first blog ever with a "Helllllo Everybody!!! I hope this works!"  Hehe.  Also.... I went to Wasaga Beach for the first time in my life yesterday... it's the week of September 12th and it still feels like summer, what a blessing to live around Barrie where the beaches are gorgeous and the seagulls are a plenty!  And the humidity some days makes you feel like you live in Hawaii.  (For the record, at Wasaga Beach over the weekend I saw dozens of seagulls rip open a bag of potatoe chips and consume the ENTIRE bag...... I would have taken a picture but I didnt wana get too close to the action, lol!)  Anyways... here is a picture we can all share of Wasaga Beach, use as your laptop wallpaper, etc.  We live in a beautiful area, Thank God for the little blessings in your life. Talk to you later!!!  (and I hope this works)

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